Fulbright Research Award to our posdoctoral researcher

Sabancı University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences posdoctoral researcher Özlem Karahan has been selected as one of the recipient of the 2019-2020 Fulbright Research Award. 

Özlem Karahan

Dr. Özlem Karahan will continue her studies at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Prof. Donald Sadoway’s group. Dr. Özlem Karahan will investigate the electrochemistry of aluminum-sulfur batteries with special attention to electrode kinetics as related to charging and to discharging. During her studies at Sabancı University, Dr. Özlem Karahan has achieved important breakthroughs, including the development of novel phase-change smart nanomaterials for energy applications and infrared applications. Dr. Özlem Karahan continues her research in Prof. Dr. Kürşat Şendur’s research group until she starts this venture.