April 23 Painting Competition

The 8th “April 23 Painting Competition” groups for employees’ children is starting.


The 8th “April 23 Painting Competition” groups for employees’ children is starting.

The topics according to age categories are:

  • 3-4 Year olds:  My Family and Me
  • 5-6 Year olds:  My Beautiful Day
  • 7-8 Year olds:  23 April’s Children and Atatürk
  • 9-11 Year olds:  “Science” Through the eyes of children


Paper Size:    A4

Deadline:      May 3th 2017, Wednesday

Application:  Please fill in the form via http://survey.sabanciuniv.edu/index.php/survey/index/sid/632277/newtest/Y/lang/en  and send your child’s painting to Serpil Gürbüz from Human Resources (President’s Office Room - 1045)  

Evaluation and Awards:

The drawings will be evaluated by a jury. The winners of each age group will be awarded with;

1st prize  : Bicycle
2nd prize : Scooter ( 3-6 ages); Educational Toy Set (7-11 ages)
3rd prize  : Book & Painting Set

Also, a certificate and a small gift will be presented to each participant. 

All drawings will be exhibited at the University Center, before the ceremony.