Ayvalık Technology and Design Winter School, organized for the first time this year within the scope of Sabancı University High School Summer Schools, has ended.

In the Technology and Design Winter School, organized for the first time this year for primary and secondary school students, various training sessions were delivered to students by the Co-space team such as 2D game programming, 3D design, 3D game design, Mbot programming, Arduino studies, artificial intelligence literacy, and VR glasses experiences. A total of 35 students from Balıkesir, Bursa, and Istanbul attended the training sessions.

In addition to the training provided, students were given sustainability, sustainable tourism and Sentrum training within the scope of the Sentrum project, and creative drama training. They also enjoyed Enerjisa Children's Theater’s play Küsmesin Yıldızlar. Enerjisa and CarrefourSA supported the week-long program.