Emre Ekinci attended the first of YGP Journey in China

Faculty of Arts and Social Science, Economics student Emre Ekinci participated on the first “Pioneering Journey” by Young Global Pioneers (a non-profit organization) in China August, 2015.

The group consisted of 20 hand-picked university students from 10 countries (Denmark, Russia, Germany, Norway, Turkey, USA, Philippines, Nepal, Japan and South Africa) and participants visited 5 different cities in China during the 3 weeks. In addition to visits to international companies and organizations, the students also had the opportunity to meet and talk with young Chinese employees and entrepreneurs.

As the only person from Turkey who participated in the Pioneering Journey, Emre describes his China experience with these words:

“While we were observing the fascinating environment and culture of China, we also got the chance to know each other’s cultures. Our visits to companies, our dialogues with Chinese and the workshops that we attended were very fruitful. In addition, the discussions that we made about certain topics during our times on buses (bus talks) and the meetings that we had at the end of each day (reflection hours) greatly expanded my point of view on world issues. As an active member of SUDOSK (Outdoor Sports Club) and a nature lover, I really enjoyed our trekking to the Great Wall, the day that we spent in the Panda Reserve and hiking to the Qingcheng Mountain. This journey has been a great experience for me and has given me friends from 9 different countries that I will always stay in touch with for the rest of my life. I hope there will be a continuing participation from our university on the future Journeys by Young Global Pioneers.”

You can get more detailed information and also APPLY for the next Journey which will be held in Tanzania (2016) on YGP’s official web page: www.youglo.org 

In addition, you can find photos from the first Journey and follow YGP’s future events on:  https://www.facebook.com/YoungGlobalPioneers