Alumni Reunion 2023 for Sabancı University Business School Graduate Programs was held at the Sakıp Sabancı Museum with more than 150 alumni attendees. The activity started with a cocktail, followed by the Public Speech of our Guest Speaker Evrim Kuran on “New Brave World.”

In the opening speech, Sabancı Business School Dean Nihat Kasap “Before the pandemic time, we gathered once or twice a year. After a long break due to the pandemic, this is our first physical meeting. I always start with my speeches as “Welcome to Sabancı University Family” at the orientations, we are a big family at Sabancı University and this membership lasts lifelong. Networking is also very important for professional programs and this kind of activity gives us the chance to learn from each other.”

After the opening speech, the event was followed by the speech of the Guest Speaker and the Executive MBA alumni Evrim Kuran on “New Brave World” moderated by Sabancı Business School faculty member Yusuf Soner. Evrim Kuran mentioned the topics of generation gaps, motivation, leadership, and meaning management.