“National Geographic on Campus!” begins at Sabancı University

The opening event for the “National Geographic on Campus!” series will take place at Sabancı University in association with the Sabancı University Istanbul Policy Center and National Geographic. 

The event will be held with IPM 2017/18 fellow Barış Karapınar, who is conducting a study on "Climate change and soil: Balancing synergies of adaptation and mitigation in Turkey through sustainable soil management", and National Geographic photographer Reza Deghati


Barış Karapınar, a contributor to the "İklim Meselesi" program on National Geographic TV, will discuss the impact and fragility caused by food, migration and poverty in connection with climate change, the possible steps for a solution, and recent positive developments in the quest for permanent solutions. 

Meanwhile, Reza Deghati will draw upon his 30-year experience with National Geographic to present images from the Middle East. He will share the pictures and stories of people forced to migrate as a result of climate change. 

Deghati worked with the leading publications of the world, including Newsweek, Time and Life. He published an interview titled “Turkey Struggles for Balance” for National Geographic in 1994, and photographed the aftermath of the August 17 and November 12 earthquakes in Turkey in 1999. As a storyteller with photographs and videos, Deghati received the Légion d'honneur in 2005.  

The first in the “National Geographic on Campus!” series will be held at the Cinema Hall on Tuesday, April 17. The event is open to all students and employees. 

The event will be in English and no interpretation will be available.