NCTU & SU Double PhD program - Microelectronics Workshop

NCTU & SU Double PhD program - Microelectronics Workshop, promotes joint research activities within the scope of the cooperation in the field of electronic engineering signed between Sabancı University and NCTU and encourages the joint doctoral degree program. The workshop will be held on 23 October, 2020 at 9.00 am.

The opening remarks of the workshop will be made by Sabancı University President Yusuf Leblebici, FENS Dean Erkay Savaş and Senior Vice President of NCTU/Dean of ICST Edward Yi Chang.

During the workshop, the research groups in Sabancı University and NCTU will share their studies on electronics such as microelectronics, integrated circuit technologies, ferroelectric, RF and mm-wave circuits, cryptographic hardware, MEMS and sensors. 

All Faculty members and PhD, masters and senior students who are interested in the joint doctoral program of the electronics department are invited to the program.

Please click to reach the program of NCTU & SU Double PhD program - Microelectronics Workshop and to REGISTER.

For further information on double PhD program, please visit