The project entitled "Privacy-preserving identity management for digital wallet and secure data sharing and processing for cyber Threat intelligence data (PRIVIDEMA)", in which Sabancı University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Dean Erkay Savaş is involved, has been deemed entitled to support.

In the project, which received Horizon Europe support with a full score (15.0/15.0), Sabancı University will provide support in securing sensitive data with homomorphic encryption.
PRIVIDEMA represents an industry-driven initiative to improve and advance privacy and confidentiality-protecting technologies in application areas such as cyber threat intelligence, data protection and identity management. This multifaceted project will involve working across various research and innovation maturity levels to deliver more robust, user-friendly and scalable privacy and security technologies for the European ecosystem.
Studies and activities to be carried out within the scope of PRIVIDEMA include i) development of open source software tools, ii) organizing various collaboration network events and initiating capacity building activities, iii) establishing infrastructures that will democratize access to technology, and iv) developing new methods and tools that cyber security professionals can use.In addition, increasing capabilities in homomorphic encryption and developing, implementing and increasing the usability of hardware acceleration methods for these encryption systems are also included in the scope of the project. The project aims to create a prototype of the European identity card in which personal data is protected. Finally, it is also planned to develop a prototype system to process cyber threat data in Europe while preserving confidentiality, and to test and validate it under real-world conditions.
In line with the objectives of Horizon Europe, the PRIVIDEMA project will make significant contributions to the creation of secure digital infrastructures by playing an active role in cybersecurity, data and computer networks protection. The project stands out for supporting SMEs and open-source software development, encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration and the use of privacy and security as a design principle. Its solution-oriented approach will position PRIVIDEMA in a key role in the development of cyber-attack-resistant digitalization and the advancement of the data economy in Europe. The PRIVIDEMA consortium's connection with various European strategic initiatives is notable for its strategic targeting of solutions fit for real-world applications, innovations beyond the status quo, and market-ready solutions.