Sabancı University will take part in CERN’s global R&D initiative DRD5 project, which aims to advance quantum sensor technologies for particle physics.
In 2020, the European Committee for Future Accelerators (ECFA) laid out a roadmap to develop new quantum sensors and related technologies. The roadmap includes the Detector Research & Development (DRD5) program, which aims to enable R&D activities on a global scale. This initiative is part of a larger effort to develop detectors for future particle physics experiments across multiple technologies.

The DRD5 project proposes a globally coordinated R&D initiative to advance quantum sensor technologies for particle physics, addressing a critical gap in existing research efforts. Unlike high-energy physics detector development, quantum sensing requires the creation of new collaborations and new fields of pioneering research. In this context, a workshop was organized at CERN in 2023, bringing together experts from various disciplines to identify new and critical research directions with a strategic approach. The project proposal, which is the result of the workshop, outlines Work Packages targeting specific technological challenges and opportunities in the field of quantum sensing for particle physics.
This initiative fosters international collaboration between the quantum technology and particle physics communities, accelerating innovation through shared expertise, coordinated research, and efficient resource allocation. The project envisions a framework that supports fundamental advancements in quantum sensing while ensuring that developments align with the needs of future high-energy physics experiments. Additionally, it seeks to establish an adaptable organizational structure that can evolve alongside emerging research priorities and technological breakthroughs. This approach will provide the ability to respond dynamically to evolving needs throughout the project. By uniting global efforts, the initiative has the potential to drive transformative progress in both quantum technologies and particle physics, creating momentum that could reshape the boundaries of the fields.
Sabancı University will participate in the Work Packages (WPs) outlined in this research initiative on quantum sensors for particle physics. Our faculty members and researchers from the university will engage in various WPs, bringing their expertise in quantum materials, superconducting devices, sensing techniques, and capacity expansion. This participation will not only contribute to the global effort in advancing quantum sensing technologies but also pave the way for Sabancı University to further develop precise quantum technologies for sensing applications.
Specifically, Sabancı University will take part in:
- WP2 (Quantum Materials): Yılmaz Şimşek, İnanç Adagideli, Zafer Gedik, Alhun Aydın, Murat Kaya Yapıcı, İsmet Kaya, Gözde İnce, and Emre Erdem.
- WP3 (Quantum Superconducting Devices): İsmet Kaya, Yılmaz Şimşek, İnanç Adagideli, Zafer Gedik, and Alhun Aydın.
- WP5 (Quantum Techniques for Sensing): Göktuğ Karpat, İsmet Kaya, Yılmaz Şimşek, and Zafer Gedik.
- WP6 (Capacity Expansion, particularly in education and exchange platforms): Ferruh Özbudak, Zafer Gedik, and Göktuğ Karpat.
Through this collaboration, Sabancı University will strengthen its role in the global quantum research and advance its capabilities in the development of cutting-edge quantum sensing technologies.
On June 6, 2024, CERN's Research Board approved the DRD5 proposal after reviewing the submitted proposal and a presentation on June 4. The Collaboration Board (CB) is chaired by Marcel Demarteau of ORNL and currently consists of one representative for each of the 100 founding institutes. The spokesperson is Michael Doser of CERN, with Steven Worm of DESY serving as the deputy spokesperson.