Sabancı University Faculty Member Prof. Dr. İsmail Çakmak ranked first in Turkey and seventh in the world in his field in the list of "The World's Most Influential Scientists" conducted under the coordination of Stanford University.

Using the Elsevier-Scopus database, Stanford University created the 2022 list of the world's most influential scientists by examining more than 8 million scientists and researchers in 22 disciplines and 176 sub-disciplines based on their work throughout their careers. The first 195,605 people on the list were published in the PLOS Biology journal, and 879 scientists from Turkey entered this list.
Prof. Dr. İsmail Çakmak, member of Sabancı University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, was ranked first in Turkey in the list of the most influential scientists in 2022 and 7th in the world in the sub-discipline of Agriculture-Agronomy. In this study, in which more than 8 million scientists and researchers were examined, İsmail Çakmak was ranked 2,538 in the general ranking of all scientific fields.
The most influential scientists are determined by considering various scientific variables such as the number of scientific articles, the number of citations, the rate of self-citations, the positions of the authors in the article, the impact of the journal in which the articles are published, and the h-index and hm-index.
Working on mineral nutrition and the stress physiology of plants, İsmail Çakmak mainly focused on the role of agricultural strategies in reducing the micronutrient deficiency (hidden hunger) problem that affects more than 2 billion people today.
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About İsmail Çakmak
According to the Scopus database, he has published 228 articles in international peer-reviewed scientific journals. These articles have been cited 23,600 times according to Scopus and 42,850 times according to Google Scholar data. His h-index value is 80 (Scopus) and 100 (Google Scholar). He received the TUBITAK Science Award in 1999, the IFA-Fertilizer Industry Association, International Plant Nutrition Award (Paris) in 2005, the Australia-Crawford Fund “Derek Tribe” medal (Canberra) in 2007, the Germany-Alexander von Humboldt Foundation “Georg Forster Research Award” in 2014 (Bonn), the International Plant Nutrition Institute-Science Award (Atlanta) in 2016, and the World Academy of Sciences Agricultural Science Award in 2016 (Trieste). He was named among the “highly cited researchers” in agricultural sciences by Clarivate Analytics (Thomson Reuters). In 2012, he was elected a member of the European Academy and the Science Academy in Turkey. He has edited three books and eight special issues in scientific journals.