The invention developed by Sabancı University members was registered by three patent offices and took its place among the triadic patents obtained in Turkey.

The invention entitled “Heat exchanger with enhanced heat transfer surfaces”, for which patent application was made by Sabancı University, was registered by the US Patent and Trademark Office (USTPO) (US11473856B2) following its registration by the European Patent Office (EPO) (EP3610217B1) and the Japanese Patent Office (JPO) (JP6852241B2). With the registration of these three patent offices, the invention patent entitled "Heat exchanger with enhanced heat transfer surfaces" is now qualified as a highly prestigious triadic patent. There are only a few triadic patents in Turkey.
Sabancı University Engineering and Natural Sciences (FENS) Faculty Member, SUNUM and EFSUN researcher Ali Koşar; FENS, SUNUM and EFSUN researcher Abdolali Khalili Sadaghiani; Sabancı University Molecular Biology, Genetics and Bioengineering PhD program graduate Yunus Akkoç; Mechatronics Engineering PhD student Ahmad Reza Motezakker; and SUNUM and Koç University KUTTAM researcher Devrim Gözüaçık propose an effective and practical method for the surface enhancement and energy efficiency of thermal fluid systems via next-generation bio-coatings based on hyperthermophilic archaea. This patent is a fine example of the interdisciplinary research being conducted in the EFSUN Center of Excellence.