The “From Farm to Table: Food, Culture, and Politics Talks” series, organized by Sabancı University Istanbul Policy Center, continues. The seventh talk of the series, which will take place on December 17 at IPC Karaköy, will feature Sabancı University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Faculty Member, Prof. Dr. İsmail Çakmak, one of the most important figures in the world in the field of agricultural engineering and plant nutrition.

The talk, which will be moderated by Sabancı Business School Faculty Member and IPC Sustainability and Food Safety Studies Coordinator, Senior Expert Prof. Dr. Zafer Yenal, will cover the relationship between plant nutrition and human health and the current course of this relationship.
In the session held last month, biodiversity and food security in wildlife were discussed with Esra Güven, author of and Tohumların Hamileri (Alef Publications, 2024), and Pınar Ertör, faculty member of Boğaziçi University Environmental Sciences Institute and 2017/18 Mercator-IPM Researcher.
In this interview, crucial issues that closely concern our future such as climate change, food security, hidden hunger, micronutrient deficiency, and nutrition-focused agriculture will be evaluated. We invite you to IPC Karaköy on Tuesday, December 17, 2024 at 17:00.