The Results of TÜBİTAK BİGG 2024-2 Call Have Been Announced!
Sabancı Üniversitesi Inovent’in konsorsiyum liderliğini üstlendiği BiGG3INN Programı kapsamında 11 girişimcimiz, TÜBİTAK BİGG 2024-2 çağrısında 900 bin TL yatırım almaya hak kazandı! TÜBİTAK adına 149 uygulayıcı kuruluşun hızlandırma… DEVAMINI OKU
Start Your 25 Million TL Startup Financing Journey with BiGG3INN!
We invite entrepreneurs with technological and innovative business ideas to apply for the TÜBİTAK BiGG Investment Based Support Program called BiGG3INN, which we run as Sabancı University SUCool & Inovent.… DEVAMINI OKU
Inospark Begins in Partnership with Sabancı University
Inospark, an open innovation program in the field of cybersecurity, fintech, and legal tech, is being implemented in partnership with Sabancı University Inovent, TÜBİTAK Marmara Teknokent, AKBANK LAB, and Kavlak Law… DEVAMINI OKU