Sabancı Üniversitesi Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi
JPSM Paper Development Workshop Held
Organized in collaboration with Sabancı Business School and the International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association (IPSERA), the Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management (JPSM) Paper Development Workshop was held on… DEVAMINI OKU
You are invited to the Ph.D. in Management Program Information Session
There will be an online information session about the Ph.D. in Management Program on March 12th, 2024.
Marie S.Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowship Success from Our Faculty Member Öykü Arkan Tunç
Öykü Arkan Tunç, member of Sabancı Business School, was entitled to receive the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowship, one of the most important… DEVAMINI OKU
2022-2023 Spring Term Ph.D. in Management Program Application Deadline is January 6th
2022-2023 Spring Term Ph.D. in Management Program Application Deadline is January 6th, 2023.