The profect of RESISTIRÉ, which is represented by Sabancı University Gender and Women's Studies Center of Excellence (SU Gender) in Turkey, aims to understand the social, economic, political, and environmental impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak and its policy responses on existing inequalities in 31 countries (EU-27 plus Iceland, UK, Serbia and Turkey) and to work towards individual and societal resilience. This is achieved by mapping and collecting data, and by analysing and translating these insights into solutions to be deployed by policymakers, stakeholders and actors in the field in different policy domains.
Concluding its first cycle, RESISTIRE has delivered several ‘solution’ outputs based on the results of the project’s first research phase and insights co-created during the Open Studios: operational recommendations, pilots projects and research agendas.
Operational recommendations to mitigate the gendered impact of COVID-related policies are addressed at policymakers at the European, national and local levels; advisers; employers; and civil society organisations. Designed as factsheets, they focus on eight topics: gender mainstreaming, gender-balanced decision-making, gender equality and diversity plans for hospitals, inclusive green spaces, care and work-life balance, gender-based violence (at European and local levels) and telework. They are available here.
RESISTIRÉ is funding three pilot projects intended to reduce inequalities due to the COVID pandemic in specific domains and to strengthen small-scale resilience in response to current and future pandemics. Find out more:
EMPLOYERS WHO CARE: contributing to the positive transformation of the homecare sector and the working conditions of domestic workers. Application deadline: 31 January 2022, 12pm.
- GREEN SPACES: transforming green spaces into an ‘Ecosystem of Care’ accessible to all users. Application deadline: 16 January 2022, 12pm.
- CARING WORKSPACES: co-creating caring workspaces promoting inclusiveness, diversity, safety and care for all employees and responding to the new challenges posed by the pandemic. Application deadline: 31 January 2022, 12pm.
Finally, the Agenda for Future Research analyses previous findings from the RESISTIRÉ project, identifies research gaps and outlines which research questions and topics future research should address, and what questions RESISTIRÉ will focus on in the second cycle. Knowledge gaps and future research needs were identified in four domains: Care, Work & Pay, Human Rights and Health and Gender-based Violence.Read more here.
RESISTIRÉ is organising a webinar that will introduce Research Funders and other stakeholders to the research agendas and will give them the opportunity to ask questions to the project’s team: Inequalities in the Spotlight: Research Agendas to Address the Impact of COVID-19. 1st February 2022, 15:00-16:30h CET.