Smart City Strategy of Konya to be prepared under the cooperation of Sabancı University with ASELSAN

ASELSAN signed a cooperation agreement with Sabancı University to study Konya Metropolitan Municipality’s roadmap including its smart city strategies towards 2030. A large, interdisciplinary team will take part in this project, first-of-its kind in Turkey, under ASELSAN’s leadership.

In his statement about the subject, Professor Yusuf Leblebici, President of Sabancı University said the following: We are breaking new ground with Konya Metropolitan Municipality and ASELSAN. It is very important that any smart city solution factor in demographical, geographical and sociological characteristics of the city, and be applied in cooperation with local administrations. Therefore, we are proud to contribute to the efforts to create a strategy and a roadmap in order to produce tailor-made smart city applications for municipalities in our country under the leadership of ASELSAN.

Ranking among the top 50 defense industry companies in the world, ASELSAN produces solutions for civil use to contribute to technological and economic independence of our country with its 40 years of know-how, experience, engineering, design, infrastructure, and most importantly, human resources. Carrying out projects in the field of smart cities, ASELSAN is particularly involved in smart public transport systems, smart energy and smart city management systems and continues to cooperate with various municipalities.

Smart city concept, which includes applications and digital solutions such as smart transport and smart energy for more modern and livable cities, has recently attracted great attention in Turkey as in the rest of the world. Cities where residents are involved in decision-making mechanisms, with sustainability secured by an established finance model, and where negative environmental impacts are minimized, will be a priority area for municipalities going forward.

Within the framework of this project, ASELSAN and Sabancı University will work together by bringing together their know-how and capabilities to develop domestic and national solutions. Joint activities in the context of the project include new generation smart city proposals such as smart public transport, smart energy, social programs supported with digital technologies and smart city solutions involving citizens’ engagement in addition to tailor-made, local solutions for Konya.