COVID-19 infection can be detected just in seconds through computerized tomography

The project entitled “Automatic image recognition system for detection of COVID-19 infection through computerized tomography”, of which Sabancı University is the coordinator and Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine is the researcher, aimed to examine CT images automatically to detect any lung involvement. 

Prof. Dr. Berrin Yanıkoğlu, member of Sabancı University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, is the coordinator of the project and Associate Professor Fatih Gülşen, Associate Professor Onur Tutar, Dr. Bora Korkmazer from Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, and Dr. Hümbet Nasibli, Alper Aker and Oğuzhan Acar from TÜBİTAK National Metrology Institute are researchers of the project. The system developed in the framework of the project can detect symptoms of COVID-19 infection in seconds. 

Covid-19 ve Sağlıklı Görüntüler

Since PCR tests take a long time and come with a high false positive rate, especially during the early stages of infection, the use of chest CT images to detect the infection was considered. The system was developed and installed in Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine. The CT device is disinfected effectively after use by an infected patient, who is then isolated in the clinic to minimize infection at the hospital. 

In response to the call for projects entitled “Program of fight against COVID-19 and resilience” made by the development agencies under the coordination of the General Directorate of Development Agencies of the Ministry of Industry and Technology, TÜBİTAK opened two separate calls under the ARDEB (Support for Research Programs Directorate) and TEYDEB (Support for Technology and Innovation Programs Directorate) components for the projects, with some R&D potential presented by universities and private sector players. Following online assessment of applications received, it was decided to support 21 projects with a total budget of approximately 7 million TL. 

The project entitled “Automatic image recognition system for detection of COVID-19 infection through computerized tomography” developed through the collaboration of Sabancı University and Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine is one of the 6 projects supported under the ARDEB component.

Mehmet Can Yavuz, Berrin Yanıkoğlu

In addition, Sabancı University PhD students Sara Atito Ali Ahmed and Mehmet Can Yavuz, Sabancı University graduate Dr. M. Umut Şen and Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine students Dr. Rauf Hamid, Dr. Sabri Şirolu, Dr. Ali Ergun Eryürekli and Dr. Toghrul Mammadov took part in the project as researchers.