Our student Ece Günay speaks about Civic Involvement Project experiences

Civic Involvement Projects (CIP101) was introduced in 1999 as a compulsory course for all students in all Sabancı University programs. The purpose of the projects are to help individuals perform their responsibilities towards their community both through teamwork and personal initiative. The projects make a difference in the society and ensure continued involvement.

A child touched my heart with little hands and I found myself in CIP

Sabancı University Materials Science and Nanoengineering student Ece Günay speaks about Civic Involvement Project experiences

“The CIP101 course showed me how much difference I could make in someone's life. Compassion Homes, children in schools projects, sign language with international students... I had children on one side, and my project team of my peers on the other. Being a supervisor, you need to understand your audience with whom you conduct a project, and keep their volunteer spirit alive as well. Think about it: a hearing-impaired trainer and I taught Turkish Sign Language to a group that spoke no Turkish, and then went on to teach sign language to kindergarteners. This is where the brainstorming begins with my dedicated volunteer friends in the CIP office. It made me feel thoroughly like the member of a team I think my time as a supervisor taught me how to plan an entire project, think a few steps into the future, solve a problem in the shortest time and most efficient manner possible, and lead my peers. Currently, as an advisor supervisor, I help my new supervisor friends make their projects even better with my experience.”