Our student Doğanay Karakış speaks about Civic Involvement Project experiences

Civic Involvement Projects (CIP101) was introduced in 1999 as a compulsory course for all students in all Sabancı University programs. The purpose of the projects are to help individuals perform their responsibilities towards their community both through teamwork and personal initiative. The projects make a difference in the society and ensure continued involvement.

As Sabancı University students, we believe that we will always live the passion to be individuals that are involved in their society instilled in us by institutional culture and the CIP 101 course.”

Sabancı University Mechatronic Engineering student Doğanay Karakış speaks about Civic Involvement Project experiences

“Hello, I'm Doğanay Karakış. I am an advisor supervisor in civic involvement projects. Last fall semester, I was a supervisor in Senior Citizen Support projects, and my teammates and I went to the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality's Darülaceze care home. CIP101 students met the residents of the care home and engaged in great activities. The activities helped us touch the lives of our seniors and refill them with passion for living. We had great takeaways from the projects ourselves. Listening to the life experiences of senior citizens was one. We learned a lot and improved. Both my teammates and the seniors we visited have memories we will cherish for life. As Sabancı University students, we believe that we will always live the passion to be individuals that are involved in their society instilled in us by institutional culture and the CIP 101 course. CIP is not just about involvement in the community. It shows us what we can actually do to become actively involved in issues related to seniors, children, the disabled, the environment, and animals. We will continue to clasp those little hands, cherish those experiences, and embrace a clean, pristine nature."