Collaboration Space March Workshops

Collaboration Space Workshops continue in March.

Collaboration Space March Workshops

CoSpace General Usage and Safety Training

8 March, 12 March, 14 March, 18 March, 22 March, 26 March, 28 March 2019

at 13:00 

Starts with the introduction to the space and usage, continues with occupational health safety training.

Please click to register.


3D Print Workshop

7 March, 13 March, 19 March, 27 March 2019

at 10:40

Giving a general idea behind the 3D printing technology and how to use it continued with 3D printing slicing and learning how to print.

Please click to register.


Soldering Workshop

7 March, 13 March, 21 March, 29 March 2019

at 14:00

Basic soldering techniques will be shown for soldering pcb circuits and electronic components. Attendees will be able to practice their newly learned skills aftermath.

Pleaseclick to register.


Introduction to Video Editing with Adobe Premiere

11 March 2019

at 14:40 

In this workshop fundamentals of how to use Adobe Premiere will be shown as well as how to edit a video in  basic sense.

Please click to register.


Introduction to Arduino with SÜRK

12 March 2019

at 20:00

In this workshop some basic electronic components used with arduino will be introduced and with these components starter projects will be implemented with arduino.

Please click to register.