Enzo Siviero: “Design is not just engineering”

The first lecture of Design Thinking Seminar series was given by Professor Enzo Siviero, President of the eCAMPUS University - Novedrate (CO) Italy. 

Collaboration Space”, the latest makerspace for imagining, designing and developing together, was opened in the Sabancı University Information Center.

With “Technology and Art; Design and Entrepreneurship” as its motto, Collaboration Space will be home to various initiatives on virtual reality, ardunio/raspberry pie, photography, 3D modeling, 3D printers and printing, programming, robotics, and other subjects. Collaboration Space is open to Sabancı University students and community, and will host events and seminars by academics and subject matter experts on maker culture. 

Sabancı University Acting President Zehra Sayers opened the first seminar of the "Design Thinking" series which was held to mark the launch of the Collaboration Space in Sabancı University Information Center.

Left to right: Vice Dean of FENS Bülent Çatay, Vice President of Research and Development Şirin Tekinay, eCAMPUS University - Novedrate (CO) Italy President Professor Enzo Siviero, Sabancı University Acting President Zehra Sayers, Vice President for Education Cem Güneri

Zehra Sayers thanked all Sabancı University members who helped bring Collaboration Space to life, and noted that the Design Thinking seminar series was an excellent choice for bringing human-centric solutions to complex challenges encountered in everyday life.

Harmony in Bridge Design


In his lecture titled "Harmony in Bridge Design", eCAMPUS University - Novedrate (CO) Italy President Professor Enzo Siviero showed through examples the importance of design not only as an engineering activity but also on architecture and “cultural landscape”.

Sabancı University Facebook page had a live broadcast of the lecture, a recording of which is available here.