Sabancı University is now a member of the United Nations Academic Impact

Sabancı University is now a member of the United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI)!

Sabancı University joined some 1200 institutions in more than 120 countries who are working with the United Nations to promote global priorities, including peace, human rights and sustainable development.  

What is the United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI)?

The United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) initiative—mandated by the United Nations General Assembly—aligns institutions of higher learning with the Organization in supporting and contributing, through research and education, to the realization of United Nations goals. What binds such institutions and the United Nations together in the UNAI is dedication to a shared
culture of intellectual social responsibility. 
UNAI is a programme of the Outreach Division of the Department of Public Information.

 In becoming a UNAI member, each institution is required to complete a minimum of one activity per year in support of at least one of the below ten principles.

1) A commitment to addressing issues of poverty through education;
2) A commitment to building capacity in higher education systems across the world;
3) A commitment to educational opportunity for all people regardless of gender, race,
religion or ethnicity;
4) A commitment to encouraging global citizenship through education;
5) A commitment to the opportunity for every interested individual to acquire the skills and
knowledge necessary for the pursuit of higher education;
6) A commitment to human rights, among them freedom of inquiry, opinion, and speech;
7) A commitment to promoting intercultural dialogue and understanding, and the
“unlearning” of intolerance, through education.
8) A commitment to advancing peace and conflict resolution through education;
9) A commitment to promoting sustainability through education;
10) A commitment to the principles inherent in the United Nations Charter.