Sabancı University Career Office Achievements "From Karaköy to Australia..."

Skills required by employers from new graduates and new hiring methods

The first phase of our European Union project on "Generation Y's Virtual Guide to Skills Development and Personal Branding on Social Media" implemented by the Sabancı University Career Office concluded.

The project team continues to share results on various platforms.

In the first event held on Thursday, January 26 at the Karaköy Minerva Palas with a wide audience, the following outcomes were shared with directors of Career Centers and Human Resources Departments.

Sabancı University Career Development and Alumni Relations Manager Şule Yalçın disclosed the results of the survey on "The impact of social media on career and hiring processes" in Turkey and Europe. According to the results of the survey completed by 1329 students and 109 employers and career centers, employers and career centers use social media more than students in hiring processes.

The outputs of the survey on "Skills required by European companies in new graduates" conducted by Universum Global were shared by Senior Consultant Vasco Castro. 1299 European employers responding to the survey stated that they seek the key competencies of Reliability, Responsibility, Communication Skills, Positive Attitude and Teamwork in their candidates.

The results of the two surveys constitute an important input for human resources employees and career centers.

Şule Yalçın attended the Asia Pacific University-Industry Cooperation Conference in Australia between February 15 and 17, 2017.

The Sabancı University Career Office was invited to the 4th Asia-Pacific University IndustryCooperation Conference held by the University-Industry Innovation Network for a project presentation.

Şule Yalçın shared the initial outcomes of the "Generation Y's Virtual Guide" project and the project outputs expected to be obtained within 2 years with participants from 29 countries. Outputs were received with great interest and the Career Office was able to create new opportunities for internships and careers with institutions and universities in the Asia-Pacific region.