Students Go Green: Team Sabancı University

Sabancı University students Aslıhan Dal, Neslihan Sümer, Begüm Kobanbay and Ali Şimşek focused on the issue of paper waste and paper consumption on campus in the environmental contest held by Yeşilist.

The Students Go Green project is a contest held by Yeşilist for identifying and presenting solutions to environmental issues in universities.  Sabancı, Koç, ITU, Boğaziçi and Özyeğin Universities are involved in the project.

University students received comprehensive information about environmental issues and solutions from Yeşilist at Koç University for three days.  The 16 teams of students were first separated by their universities and then into Consumption, Permaculture, Food and Mobility teams.  After three days, all groups identified the problems on their campus falling under these four categories and began to work on solutions.

Sabancı University students Aslıhan Dal, Neslihan Sümer, Begüm Kobanbay and Ali Şimşek comprising the Consumption Team focused on paper waste and paper consumption on campus.  The team developed ideas to recover used paper.  To this purpose, they applied to the Sabancı University Civic Involvement Projects to start an Upcycle project.  They started working with volunteers for two hours every week to convert waste paper into usable items.  There are now plans to sell these items at the CIP Annual Fundraiser Sale to raise funds for the CIP Sun Day.

“SUgoesGreen” is the social media keyword if you would like to follow the Sabancı University Consumption Team and make a contribution to the environment.

For more information:




Instagram: SUgoesGreen