TÜBA-GEBİP Awards Ceremony

Five members of Sabancı University faculty receive awards from the Turkish Academy of Sciences

2012 winners of the Turkish Academy of Sciences’ Program to Reward Young Scientists (TÜBA-GEBİP) were announced.  Five Sabancı University faculty members received TÜBA-GEBİP Outstanding Achievement Awards. Five of the Turkish Academy of Sciences’ Program to Reward Young Scientists awards in 2012 were given to Sabancı University faculty.

Sabancı University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences members Gözde İnce, Fevzi Çakmak Cebeci, Erdal Toprak, Murat Çokol and School of Management faculty member Işın Güler  Outstanding Achievement Awards by the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA).

The TÜBA Program to Reward Young Scientists provides financial support to the research efforts of selected scientists below 37 years of age for a period of three years.  This year, awards were given to 28 scientists.
Prizes were presented at an awards ceremony on Saturday, June 8 at the Turkish Academy of Sciences in Ankara.

About the award-winning Sabancı University faculty:

Assistant Professor Gözde İnce: Assistant Professor Gözde İnce received a bachelor’s degree in Physics from Boğaziçi University in 2001.  She completed her doctorate at the Boston University Mechanical Engineering Department in 2008, and worked as a researcher at the Brookhaven National Laboratory during her studies.  İnce undertook postdoctoral research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Chemical Engineering Department between 2008 and 2010.  İnce’s doctorate research focused on the x-ray assessment of the formal changes in semiconductor surfaces.  Her postdoctoral work was on the production and applications of stimulus-sensitive polymer thincoats and nanostructures.  She received the L'Oreal Turkey Fellowship for Young Female Scientists in 2012 with her work on polymer nanotubes.  Assistant Professor Gözde İnce is currently a member of the Sabancı University Material Science and Engineering program.

Assistant Professor Fevzi Çakmak Cebeci: Assistant Professor Fevzi Çakmak Cebeci received his doctorate from the Istanbul Technical University Polymer Science and Technology program in 2007.  He completed part of his doctorate studies in the MIT Material Science and Engineering program as a fellow of TÜBİTAK NATO-A2, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Istanbul Technical University Office of the President.  He then conducted postdoctoral research in the Chemical Engineering and Material Science and Engineering departments of Masschusetts Institute of Technology between September 2007 and September 2010.  His doctorate research focused on electrochemical systems, conductor polymers, thincoats and surface chemistry, while his postdoctoral work was on thincoat nanocomposites, test osmosis membranes, stimulus-sensitive materials and supercapacitors.  He has made significant contributions to super-soaking and non-soaking coatings.  Assistant Professor Fevzi Çakmak Cebeci has been a member of Sabancı University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences in the Material Science and Engineering program since September 2010.

Assistant Professor Erdal Toprak: After completing his undergraduate and graduate degrees in the Physicsa Department of Boğaziçi University, Toprak began his doctorate on Calculated Biology and Biophysics at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign in 2003.  During his studies, he developed precision microscopic techniques that enabled viewing the working mechanism of motor proteins, and won the Eugene Rabinowitz Fellowship.  Toprak completed his doctorate in 2007 and continued on to postdoctoral studies on system biology at the Harvard Medical School until May 2011.  The “Morbidostat” device he developed to examine the formation of drug resistance in bacteria, as well as the studies he conducted using the device were published in the Nature Genetics and Nature Protocols journals.  Since May 2011, Erdal Toprak has been a member of Sabancı University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences where he works on slowing the onset of drug resistance in bacteria with personally-developed devices, supported by the Marie Curie Career Integration Grant, EMBO Installation Grant and Human Frontiers Science Program Research Grant.

Assistant Professor Işın Güler:  Işın Güler received bachelor’s and MBA degrees from the Middle East Technical University Business School and completed her doctorate on strategy in the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School.  She worked as an assistant professor at Boston University and the University of North Carolina.  She won the Academy of Management IDEA ‘Thought Leader’ Award and Best Dissertation Award with her research on the investment decisions of risk capital companies, and the American Sociological Association Best Article Award with her work on the international expansion of organizational practices.  Her publications have appeared in reputable international journals, receiving almost 300 citations.  Güler has been a member of Sabancı University School of Management since 2010, where she continues her research and lectures on strategic management and innovation.

Assistant Professor Murat Çokol: Çokol received his undergraduate degree from Bilkent University Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics in 1999, and completed his graduate degree in Columbia University’s Biological Sciences Department in 2000, going on to complete his doctorate in 2006.  As part of his postdoctoral studies, he first worked on quantitative models for the analysis of scientific fraud as a National Library Fellow in the Biomedical Informatics Department of Columbia University, and then studied the understanding and prediction of drug interactions in the light of other biological data at the Harvard Medical School as a Fellow of the National Institutes of Health.  He joined the Sabancı University Biological Sciences and Bioengineering Program in 2010.
Çokol is a co-editor of the Frontiers of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology journal and a referee for the Bioinformatics, Epidemiology, Molecular Systems Biology, Nature Chemical Biology, PLOS Biology, PLOS Computational Biology and Scientometrics journals.  Çokol has a published US patent application and 10 articles in journals covered by International Citation Indexes, for which he has received more than 1000 citations.  Çokol has presented almost 20 papers in international conferences.

For details:http://www.tuba.gov.tr/tr/component/content/article/114-guncel-bilgiler/1756-gebip-2012-odul.html