"Commons Tense" exhibits the works of new media artists from Sabancı University and Turkey.
Commons Tense is part of amberplatform 2012’s theme entitled "Paratactic Commons", which aims to find new ways of communication via the notion of the ‘commons’. Realized in collaboration with TodaysArt Festival in Den Haag, the artworks presented at the exhibition will offer various interpretations of the theme. Commons Tense takes part in the 400 years diplomatic relations between Turkey and the Netherlands and is supported by the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
List of Artists and Artworks
Nagehan Kuralı (BAVACD’06) ve Selin Özçelik (BAVACD’05): "Olası Elişi"
Osman Koç (BSEE’08 & MSME’10); "Cismani Deneyimler"
Sedef Aydoğan (BAVACD’11) ve Özgün Kılıç (BAVACD’11): "........ Unutuldu”
Ekmel Ertan (Instructor at Sabanci University): "the3 (theCube)"
Bager Akbay: "Ben Sanatçıyım”
Özlem Alkış: "İhlal"
Fatih Aydoğdu: "Error - Title Included"
Mehmet Erkök: “Dijital Atık Eskicisi"
Ebru Kurbak: "Data Catchers"
Ali Miharbi: "İşaretli Bölgeler"
Ahmet Sertaç Öztürk: "Toplu Kaşıma"
Onur Sönmez ve Jaak Kaevats: "Jason Shoe"
Candaş Şişman: "Isofield"
Curated by: Fatih Aydoğdu & Ekmel Ertan
Please clich here for the Catalog.
The co-events, which consist of two workshops, artist's presentations and a seminar (16 September), will be held parallel to the exhibition. The first workshop (15-16 September) targets younger public and offers hands-on experience in new media practice. The second workshop focuses on art in public spaces (17-19 September) and is a collaborative workshop among Turkish and Dutch artists.
Since 2007, amberplatform organizes various events within the field of new media art, such as the annual amber art and technology festival and amber art and technology conference. amberplatform is active in creating an international network of organizations based in new media, enabling exchange and dialogue among them.
amberplatform is part of the BIS (Beden-Işlemsel Sanatlar Derneği) association.