Subject Based Discussions devam ediyor...

Subject Based Discussions Wiebke Hohberger'ın "Syrian Refugees in Turkey: Current Efforts in the Field of Higher Education" konulu semineri ile devam ediyor. 

"Syrian Refugees in Turkey: Current Efforts in the Field of Higher Education" konulu seminer 21 Mart 2017 Salı günü saat 13.40'ta FASS 1103'te gerçekleşecek.

Subject-Based Discussions'ın 2016-2017 bahar dönemi programı aşağıdaki gibidir:

2 Mart 2017- Leyla NeyziMemory, Youth and Reconciliation: Voices from the Field 

21 Mart 2017- Wiebke Hohberger- Syrian Refugees in Turkey: Current Efforts in the Field of Higher Education

20 Nisan 2017- Ali Nihat EkenFilm Literacy

27 Nisan 2017- Cenk ÖzbayContemporary Istanbul