Sabancı Üniversitesi

MDBF Akademisyen

Sabancı University Welcoming Two Leading Computer Scientists as Adjunct Faculty Members of the FENS

Two world-class research scientists who are active in some of the fastest developing areas of Computer Science and Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are joining Sabancı University as Adjunct Faculty members.… DEVAMINI OKU

Acceptance into VIU Seminars and PhD Academy!

Achievement by Sabancı University: Acceptance into VIU Seminars and PhD Academy!

Applications submitted by Sabancı University faculty members have been accepted into three prestigious academic programs approved by the Academic Council of the… DEVAMINI OKU


Sabancı University and TPRC Join Forces in Advanced Materials Technologies

Sabancı University has launched a collaboration that will further sustainable manufacturing solutions in advanced materials technologies.

Uğur Candan

Data Science and Analytics Conference: Restless Change of Enterprise Applications Market: The Impact of AI

The second of the conference series organized to introduce Sabancı University's new undergraduate program "Data Science and Analytics" was held on November 6, 2024, on the university's Tuzla Campus. The second… DEVAMINI OKU

Tübitak, Bigg 2024-2

The Results of TÜBİTAK BİGG 2024-2 Call Have Been Announced!

Sabancı Üniversitesi Inovent’in konsorsiyum liderliğini üstlendiği BiGG3INN Programı kapsamında 11 girişimcimiz, TÜBİTAK BİGG 2024-2 çağrısında 900 bin TL yatırım almaya hak kazandı! TÜBİTAK adına 149 uygulayıcı kuruluşun hızlandırma… DEVAMINI OKU

10 Kasım 2024

We Commemorated Atatürk with a Meaningful Ceremony on November 10

On Sunday, November 10, 2024, we commemorated the founder of our Republic, our eternal commander-in-chief, Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, with longing and respect on the 86th anniversary of his passing.


The General Assembly Meeting of Venice International University Held at Sabancı University

The General Assembly meeting of Venice International University (VIU), along with the Board of Directors and the Academic Council Meetings, were held at Sabancı University Tuzla Campus on Friday 8 November.


On November 10th, We Gather for Atatürk Remembrance Day

On Sunday, November 10, 2024, a ceremony will be held at Sabancı University Tuzla Campus, where we will show our respect in silence before the cherished memory of our Great Leader, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.



Major Fest

2024-2025 Fall Semester Major Fest Will Take Place on November 11-20

Our University, which makes a difference in higher education through the freedom to choose a program, organizes Major Fest twice a year to help students in their major program exploration… DEVAMINI OKU

Sabancı Üniversitesi is One of The Bests

Sabancı University Among the World's Best Universities

Times Higher Education (THE) announced the 2025 World University Rankings. Sabancı University ranked in the 351-400 bracket among 2092 universities included in the ranking. It ranked first among 91 universities… DEVAMINI OKU