Mühendislik ve Doğa Bilimleri Fakültesi

Dean's Speaker Series

The Guest of the Dean’s Speaker Series was Prof. Emine Yılmaz

The guest of the Dean’s Speaker Series seminars organized by Sabancı University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences was Prof. Emine Yılmaz, who conducts studies in the field of artificial intelligence at… DEVAMINI OKU


Our Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Became a Member of the Ge4 Network

Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences (FENS) has expanded its connections by joining the Global Education for European Engineers and Entrepreneurs (Ge4) Network. This significant partnership aligns FENS with some of the world’s premier… DEVAMINI OKU

durmuş ali demir

We Commemorate Durmuş Ali Demir

A ceremony will be held on Wednesday, March 13, to commemorate Durmuş Ali Demir, a valuable member of our Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, who passed away on February 24, 2024. The… DEVAMINI OKU

Clean Aviation and Hydrogen Energy Information Day

Clean Aviation and Hydrogen Energy Information Day

Clean Aviation and Hydrogen Energy Information Day