Sabancı University organized Digital Technologies Event in Ankara

The Sabancı University Ankara Project Office held an event titled "Sabancı University Leads Digital Technologies: Cyber Security, Cryptology, Blockchain".

Dijital Teknolojiler Etkinliği

Speakers of the event were TÜBİTAK BİLGEM Vice President Ali Görçin, public e-transformation expert Mustafa Afyonluoğlu and Sabancı University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences (FENS) member Erdinç Öztürk, and participants included Türksat General Manager Cenk Sen, TÜBİTAK BİLGEM Cyber Security Institute Director Mustafa Dayıoğlu, representatives of Aselsan and Havelsan, and members of other public and private organizations on digital technologies.

The event included a panel discussion with Sabancı University FENS members Selim Balcısoy, Albert Levi, Erkay Savaş, Kamer Kaya and Erdinç Öztürk sharing recent developments in cyber security.

Delivering introductory remarks, Ankara Project Office Manager Elif Tepeli said that the objective of the event was to bring Sabancı University researchers together with ecosystem stakeholders in Ankara to improve collaboration opportunities. Sabancı University President Yusuf Leblebici said that Sabancı University will be involved in national and international joint efforts with the industry in the future, and that they will continue similar events and meetings with industry stakeholders. The members of Sabancı Group company Sabancı DX and the Sabancı University Executive Development Unit (EDU) also attended the event.