Dr. Carmine Difiglio has become the Director of IICEC

Dr. Carmine Difiglio assumed his new position of Sabancı University Istanbul International Center for Energy and Climate (IICEC) Director

It is with pleasure that we announce that Dr. Carmine Difiglio has become the Director of Istanbul International Center for Energy and Climate (IICEC) and Visiting Professor at Sabancı University as of January 2017.

Prior to this position, Professor Difiglio served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy Analysis at the U.S. Department of Energy and Head of Technology Policy at the International Energy Agency (IEA). At the IEA, he established the Energy Technology Perspectives model and Project (2001). Energy Technology Perspectives continues to this day as a flagship IEA publication by showing what technologies and investments are needed to meet G20 and Paris climate goals.

Professor Difiglio is a featured speaker on topics ranging from the international oil market, improving energy security, how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the prospects for avoiding the worst consequences of global climate change. His speaking engagements include Chatham House, the Aspen Institute, the International Seminars on Planetary Emergencies and numerous conferences in London, Istanbul, Paris, Vienna, Amsterdam, Lisbon, Geneva, Madrid, Rome, Milan, Delhi, Mexico City, Rio de Janeiro, and many American cities. Professor Difiglio also serves as Co-Chair of the World Federation of Scientists’ Permanent Monitoring Panel on Energy and has chaired several Professional committees in various organizations including the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and the International Energy Agency. His publications include a wide variety of modeling and policy assessments concerning energy efficiency, motor-vehicle fuel economy, alternative energy supplies, greenhouse gas emissions, international oil markets and energy security. Professor Difiglio received his Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania. For further information please visit http://iicec.sabanciuniv.edu