“Charles Csuri: Sketchbooks of Time”
Sabancı University Kasa Galeri hosts an exhibition by Charles Csuri, the pioneer of computer graphics, computer animation and digital fine arts. The “Charles Csuri: Sketchbooks of Time” will be available for visiting between March 20 and May 10, 2012.
The “Charles Csuri: Sketchbooks of Time” exhibition held in association with Leonardo Electronic Almanac, The Ohio State University and Goldsmiths College will be available for visiting at the Sabancı University Kasa Galeri between March 20 and May 10, 2012.
The new exhibition in Kasa Galeri includes the most recent designs, animations and drawings by Charles Csuri in addition to a selection of classics in computer arts. Works are framed within the visual definition of time based on the curatorial analysis of the relation between the artist and his medium (computer and software).
Csuri contributed to countless international exhibitions throughout his life and was awarded the ACM SIGGRAPH Lifelong Achievement in Digital Arts Award in 2011. The prolific pioneer of computer arts created his first work of digital computer art in 1963. Today, Csuri’s works are included in the special collections of the leading institutions of the world, including the Victoria and Albert Museum in London and the Museum of Modern Art in New York.
The exhibition is the collaborative work of Head Curators Lanfranco Aceti (Director of Kasa Galeri Direktörü / Member of Sabancı University Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences) and Christiane Paul (The New School / Whitney Museum of American Art) and Curators Janice Glowski (Wittenberg University) and Özden Şahin (Kasa Galeri).
Kasa Galeri Director Lanfranco Aceti said, “We are happy to have this exhibition in Istanbul where we can display the works of a visionary who created computer art and pioneered digital arts, paving the way for the current new media and digital arts. It is an honor for Kasa Galeri to be collaborating with the other institutions involved in this exhibition.”
Charles Csuri
Charles Csuri is best known for pioneering the field of computer graphics, computer animation and digital fine art, creating the first computer art in 1964. Csuri has been recognized as the father of digital art and computer animation by Smithsonian, and as a leading pioneer of computer animation by the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) and The Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group Graphics (ACM SIGGRAPH). Between 1971 and 1987, while a senior professor at the Ohio State University, Charles Csuri founded the Computer Graphics Research Group, the Ohio Super Computer Graphics Project, and the Advanced Computing Center for Art and Design, dedicated to the development of digital art and computer animation. Csuri was co-founder of Cranston/Csuri Productions (CCP), one of the world's first computer animation production companies. In 2000 Charles Csuri received both the 2000 Governor's Award for the Arts for the best individual artist, and The Ohio State University Sullivant Award, that institution's highest honor, in acknowledgment of his lifetime achievements in the fields of digital art and computer animation.
Kasa Galeri
“Charles Csuri: Sketchbooks of Time”
Dates: March 20 – May 10 2012
Sabancı University Communication Center, Bankalar Cad. 2 Karaköy - Istanbul
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