Best Campus Shot Competition
Don't miss the opportunity to immortalize the most beautiful moments of the campus with the "Best Campus Shot" photography competition organized specifically for Sabancı University's 25th year!
Çağla Aydın's Project receives TÜBİTAK Support
The project titled "The Relationship Between Age-Related Changes in Autobiographical Memory and Theory of Mind," led by Sabancı University FASS Psychology Program Faculty Member Çağla Aydın, with Onur Varol, a faculty member from Sabancı… DEVAMINI OKU
Data Science and Analytics Conference: Impact of Earthquakes on Voter Behavior in the May 2023 Elections
The third Data Science and Analytics Seminar Series held at Sabancı University on November 20, 2024 was realized with the presentation of Dr. Mert Moral from the Sabancı University Political Science and International Relations Program.… DEVAMINI OKU
European Researchers' Night (ERN-ApuliaMED Project) Held
The European Researchers' Night event was held on September 27, 2024 at the Sabancı University Composite Technologies Center of Excellence.
Northwestern University Visit to FASS
Sabancı University-FASS hosted Northwestern faculty members and PhD students in art history early this month, Sept.6th -14th. Onur Yazicigil, Christopher Colak, Ahu Antmen, and Kerem Ozan Bayraktar met with the… DEVAMINI OKU
Antalya Diplomacy Forum
Meltem Muftuler-Bac, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences attended the Antalya Diplomacy Forum, with… DEVAMINI OKU
Sabancı University Republicanism Workshop
On November 9, 2023, a Workshop on Republicanism was organized at Sabanci University as part of the Cambridge Global Humanities Network.… DEVAMINI OKU
German Politics Special Issue Workshop
On October 5-6, 2023 a workshop composed of multiple scholars was organized at the Altunizade Digital… DEVAMINI OKU
Our Emeritus Faculty Member Prof. Bahri Yılmaz's Doctorate Award
Our Emeritus Faculty Member Prof. Bahri Yılmaz has again been honored by the Faculty of Law and Political Science at the University of Bonn with The Award of a Doctorate in Economics after 50 years.