Culture and Arts
Prof. Dr. Siegfried Zielinski will be speaking in the “Variant. Documenting New Media Art” Program
The research project conducted by the digitalSSM Archive and Research Space, titled "VARIANT. Documenting New Media Art" hosts an online lecture by Prof. Siegfried Zielinski (the European Graduate School).
FASS Art Gallery welcomes Chinese Artist Prof. Zhang Hui
Sabancı University Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Art Gallery will host an exhibition by Chinese photographer Prof. Zhang Hui. Curated by FASS Visual Arts and Visual Communication Design (VAVCD) Program Faculty Member Alex Wong, the… DEVAMINI OKU
‘The Living Pyramid’ by Agnes Denes will complete its cycle of four seasons at the SSM
‘The Living Pyramid’ by Agnes Denes will complete its cycle of four seasons at the SSM
digitalSSM's "Variant. Documenting New Media Art" Project continues
The research project of the digitalSSM Archive and Research Space, titled “VARIANT. Documenting New Media Art” continues with a conference and artist talk in January.
digitalSSM continues its "VARIANT. Documenting New Media Art" program
digitalSSM continues its "VARIANT. Documenting New Media Art" program
digitalSSM Provides Open Access to the SSM Collections and Archives
digitalSSM, a tool created by the Sakıp Sabancı Museum, provides “open access” to the museum's collections and archives for academics, researchers, and students from all over the world.