Sabancı University Republicanism Workshop
On November 9, 2023, a Workshop on Republicanism was organized at Sabanci University as part of the Cambridge Global Humanities Network.… DEVAMINI OKU
Sabancı Foundation Turkey’s Changemakers Program Sabancı University Special Award
Sabancı Foundation Turkey’s Changemakers Program Sabancı University Special Award Winner is Murat Kefeli with his körüz.biz project!
“Nanotechnology through children's eyes” painting event from SUNUM in honor of the 100th anniversary of our Republic
“Nanotechnology through children's eyes” painting event … DEVAMINI OKU
Senem Aydın Düzgit has been named a Richard von Weizsacker Fellow
Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Professor of International Relations at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and Academic Affairs Coordinator of the İstanbul Policy Center, has been named a Richard von Weizsacker Fellow by the board of the Robert Bosch… DEVAMINI OKU
Deadline for Application to Ph.D. in Management Program: June 23rd
Applications for the Doctoral Program in Management Sciences for the 2023-24 Academic Year will close on Friday, June 23, 2023.
Full-Time MBA Program Information Session on June 17th
An information session for the Full Time MBA Program will be held on June 17, 2023 Saturday.
Civic Involvement Projects Hacked the Campus together with the Fixers Club!
Campus Hacking Project was carried out in cooperation with Sabancı University Civic Involvement Projects and the Fixers Club, which develops social benefit projects in order to strengthen the dialogue between the city, the environment and people… DEVAMINI OKU
Sabancı University International Relations Office 2nd Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) Staff Training Mobility Week
International Relations Office held the 2nd International Staff Training Mobility Week on our campus on May 22-26 as part of Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility project. 22 administrative and academic officials from 8 different countries,… DEVAMINI OKU
Full-Time MBA Program Information Session on May 23rd
Sabancı University MBA program is a full-time program welcoming students before work experience and a hands-on training program offering Company Action Projects in top multinational and local companies in Turkey during the education.… DEVAMINI OKU
Fast Charging Stations of Eşarj Put into Service on Our Campus
Our university has put two new Eşarj fast charging stations into service as part of its sustainability efforts in achieving its net-zero emission target.